- Atlantic University
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- Faculty
Program: Mindfulness (M.A. and Grad. Certificate)
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Tom Curley, Ph.D
I see learning as a partnership between the student-learner and the teacher-learner.

Lisa Heuvel, Ed.D.
As an educator and writer for four decades, Dr. Heuvel focuses on leadership studies as a pathway to enhancing personal and organizational growth.

Eileen Malo, M.H.A.
Eileen Malo has a vast and varied background that combines leadership, spirituality, and consciousness growth. As an executive leader in business for over 30 years she has been able to test and apply various spiritual and leadership concepts to opportunities encountered in the practical framework of the business world.

Jewels Maloney, Ed.D
"Humanity's understanding of the realms of the transpersonal is in the process of magnificent forward momentum. Expansive new knowledge and research, and a plethora of direct understanding and experience of the transpersonal landscape and realities are unfolding more and more rapidly for us all."

William Martin Sloane, Ph.D., D.C.L.
It’s exciting to explore the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science. . . . I look forward to learning with and from each new group of students.

Kim Nolan, Ph.D.
To guide others toward their truth, in order to live an awakened life.